Bridging Institutional Investment Credibility to Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Our founding partners and team consist of serial entrepreneurs who have worked at some of the top private equity and hedge funds combined with extensive blockchain and cryptocurrency experience.
AI Exchange mining Cryptocurrencies
The ASC team consists of over 100 years of experience in strategic planning, trading, investing and innovation on Wall Street at institutional firms such as Nasdaq, Capital Group, IBIS Management, The Riverside Company, and H.I.G. Capital, combined with top blockchain and entrepreneurial leaders, investors and advisors from Asia, the Americas, and Europe.
“Blockchain is the most cost-effective and open-source clearing and settlement system for transactions ever invented. It’s going to change the world and it’s already changing it.”
Dante Venafro
Partner, Venture StrategY
We are advised by some of the most sought after advisors in the industry.
A Message From Our Founder
“Blockchain is the most cost-effective and open-source clearing and settlement
system for transactions ever invented. It’s going to change the world and it’s
already changing it.” -Enzo Villani, December 2020